Player Jeff Young - Hooker Bridgend Ravens Back Select Player Daniel Bartlett Joe Buckle Ben Burnell Freddie Chapman Jo Clarke Jordan Collier Cameron Ellis Ben Evans Tom Florence Joe Gatt Alex George Will Greatbanks Rhydian Greenhall Curtis Greenslade Iwan Griffith Kyle Harris Evan Hill Edd Howley Travis Huntley Matholwch Iorwerth-Scott Tom Jevons Corey Lewis Alfie Llewellyn Marley Lovell Tommy Morgan Harvey Nash Corum Nott Zach O'Driscoll Harri Olding James Owen Ioan Pascoe Luke Price Tom Richardson Macauley Rowley Callaghan Smith Ben Thomas Jake Thomas Liam Tobias Barnaby Waddell Lloyd Wilkins Ryan Wilkins Chris Williams Jakob Williams James Williams Evan Yardley Height178 Weight89 Date Of Birth16/06/1942 Place Of BirthBlaengarw EducationGarw Secondary School ClubsLondon Welsh, Harrogate, Bridgend Ravens HonoursWales, British and Irish Lions, East Wales ManagedWales Statistics Competition Summary Test Summary COMPETITION PLAYED T C P DG PTS YC RC